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10:02 a.m. on 2002-07-05

I feel deflated. I spent an enjoyable night last night with some friends, first at home cooking, then, when the corn burned *in* the tin foil on the grill, at Chili's after better food, then at their house playing Vampire. It was a lot of fun.

On the way home, I spotted a truck near the mail box unit near the entrance of my area of this development, and then it moved to another box. I called the police (there has been a mail theft problem lately) and sent a message to the Postal Inspectors via email. I was up until almost 5 this morning.

Needless to say, I was tired. So, when 9:00 rolled around this morning, and I was still asleep, and Jacob was still out, I felt a bumping on my bed. It was John, he had come home from work because he got no answer on the phone (because we were both still asleep!) and was worried.

Now, I got the lecture again. I'm wondering when this "partnership" will stop the roller coaster ride it's on and actually become what we call it. Lectures about my responsiblity from the guy who spends most of his spare time either on the computer or in a book, who never does laundry, who never cooks, who blames me for the state of our bedroom despite the fact that it was a mess before I moved in (now it seems to be *my* mess and not his) and is no worse now than before, except that now there are 2 messy people in it instead of one. . .I could go on, but what's the point? When I want his company, I don't get it, and when he wan't mine, I'm not here. We get along great, when we're not dealing with the things that bother us (some definition, huh? we can talk about religion and not fight, but when it comes to talking about "us", it all goes to hell.). I'm just getting tired of being a housewife. I am not a housewife. I am a House Mommy. I stay at home for my boys. That is all, and I won't change that.

I guess that's all. I just needed t vent. I don't exect sympathy, but if you want to send it, it might make me feel better. . .


the latest:
A prayer for today. . . - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
A baby. . . - Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005
Update. . .a baby!!! - Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005
Easter. . . - Monday, Mar. 28, 2005
Today is the day that the Lord has made. . . - Monday, Mar. 21, 2005

before & after