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Where is the hope?
12:14 am on Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003

The most challenging question came across me tonight. . . Challenging because, although I knew the answer, articulating was as hard as writing a treatise on a topic I've never heard of, let alone studied.

But as I was thinking, the following came to me, and I decided I had to share it here. So, be sure to tell me what you think!


This world is a horrifying, miserable place, with no end in sight. Life isn't fair, and we lash out at the world for it, to no avail. What can we do about it? What can we do to get through the miserable world we live in? How do we get by, get on, live in our day-to-day lives?

With help. And where have we gotten help? What part of our lives has been better because of the gods we worship? Who has given us the answers to our prayers? Anyone?

Not for me, until now. And I'll tell you, I'd not want to live in this world without God, without Jesus. He promised us trouble, true. He told us that life wasn't fair, that we'd come out on the bottom of the deal more than the top in this world. That we'd be persecuted, murdered, downtrodden for our faith. Basically, He TOLD us, OUTRIGHT, that life would suck for the believers.

And yet, there were believers. People who took Him at His word, who did as He asked and did it gladly. Who died for His cause with smiles on their faces. Would anyone do that for a liar, or a madman? If so, certainly not the number who have! And still, we wonder, why? What reason could there possibly be for people to act like this, to throw themselves into their faith in Him so completely?

And now, I'll tell you. Hope. It gives us hope, hope that there is more to life than the misery of this world. Hope that we can make a difference, that not everybody is a murderer, a rapist, an abuser; hope that we can know the mind of God, and not only that, but that He WANTS us to know His mind. He gives us hope and peace in this world, and promise of a better one.


Needless to say, the hubby got me thinking about hope the other night, and this is what was put on my heart.

Peace to you all!

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