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VBS and Father in law
11:57 pm on Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003

Vacation Bible School started today at my church. It's looking like a lot of fun! It's theme is The Great Kingdom Caper, and it's a mystery set in London. The kids are loving the music, and I'm wondering where the themes were when i was in VBS as a kid!

Also, after it was over, my father in law hurt Jacob. He (Jacob) was headed to the door of the car they were next to, thinking he wanted to go with my mother because she had Windy's daughter with her and he wanted to go too. (He's three, what do you want?) Anyway, Jacob was headed to the door of the car as I came around the side of the building, and I saw Poppy (my father in law) chasing him. He grabbed him by the shoulder and squeezed, much harder than he needed to. I don't understand what the problem is, but he's been losing his temper with Jacob a lot lately, and the more he does the more trouble Jacob is. He's been out of work for almost a year now, and I understand that he's depressed, but I can't accept that as an excuse for the way he's acting to my son. Every time I talk to him about the way he acts, he makes stupid, meaningless threats about how if I don't like it I should go somewhere else.

I don't want anyone but Myself or my husband (or Mikey's daddy) spanking my children, or using any sort of physical punishment on them. That punishment is not for them to decide on, or to enact, and I'm getting sick of him doing it.

That made me feel better. I've been actively angry since it happened, and that got it out of my system.

Anyway, pray for us as we prepare to find a new home, and pray that we find one suitable, that is as God wishes.

Thanks! God Bless!


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