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Update 7-30-03
9:18 pm on Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003

This entry is going to be a run-down of the last few days, since they've been so busy and I'm just now catching up.

First, on Sunday, a number of things happened. A member of the curch died after a long illness. He was 94; the Associate Pastor's father in law died, and he and his wife called from Wisconsin to let everyone know what was going on; also, my husband's friend of many years came with his wife and step-daughter, and she was baptized. That was a joy! She's 8 years old.

Then, Monday came around. We had Michael's Dr.'s appointment, and his diagnosis of ADHD was confirmed. They suggested medication, which those of you who might know my ex will know was greeted by a glare for me and silence for them. We did agree to some behavior modification work, and he's to be tested by the Litchfield school district, so at least it's a start.

Tuesday, I went to the church to help with the food for the memorial service for the gentleman that died Sunday. It was lovely, and people stepped up wonderfully to help out. It was a celebration of his life, not a sobbing, tearful mourning for his death. They were truly happy to see him go Home, and be out of the pain he was in at the end, rather than inconsolably sad. (And our Pastor can sing! You learn something new every day.)

Today, I spent the day frusterated by my kids. . . and I heard from the school district that Michael is going to be tested in the next little while. Praise the Lord for that! Pray for him, please.

Also today, my mother got a good lead on a job with Target, in the packing dept. She might be making more, and more dependably, than she has since Revlon closed the plant here. Pray for that too!

I think that about covers my life in the last week. Lord bless you, and lead you by his light. I feel better now. The blessings were sticking in my throat, but now I'm seeing that my life is more blessed than I could ever have a right to expect. Thank you, Lord, for that, and for the eyes to see it, even as rarely as I can.

Also, please pray for us getting the munchkin potty trained. He's supposed to start preschool next week, and we're having no luck getting him trained. the biggest concern is that he'll lose his spot in the class, and then we won't get another.


the latest:
A prayer for today. . . - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
A baby. . . - Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005
Update. . .a baby!!! - Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005
Easter. . . - Monday, Mar. 28, 2005
Today is the day that the Lord has made. . . - Monday, Mar. 21, 2005

before & after