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My Day.
9:04 pm on Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003

Well, an interesting day it has been.

We went to ASU with Jacob, to participate in a development study for littles his age. This is the second he's been in there, the first being for the same group a year ago. Tehy just marvelled at him, and how smart he is. He did things none of the other kids in the study had been able to do. And one lady couldn't look at him, because he's so cute.

She's right, but i'm biased. . .

Anyway, Mikey was picked up today, and it made my mom mad because I promised him to her first. But I forgot, and Sharon Simon called and it slipped my mind. I'm really bad about that, and Mom thinks it's personal. . .And that makes me sad.

But I am happy about one thing. . .I didn't let myself fight with her. I stayed calm, despite her shouting at me, and that is something that's take a long time. Praise the Lord for helping me cultivate that.

Actually, that brings me to another thing about my anger. Mikey was a problem today, and he got into it with me about a time-out. He was being destrucive of furniture, and when I told him to stop, he said ok, and did it again. So I told him to go to time out.

That went over like a lead brick.

He fell to the floor screaming and shouting and kicking and thrashing, and generally being a snot. I stood there looking at him, and started to count his timeout minutes.

I start at five. If he moves it, he gets that number and no more. If he fights, I give him to a count of five to get to his chair. If he doesn't get moving, then I start at five and count up, and minute at a time, until he gets moving to the chair. Just in the direction of the chair, not too it. Then I stop.

We got to 30 minutes today. And he was still not in the chair. But at that point he calmed and we talked about it, and he realized that he needed to take the consequences for his actions, and sit his half hour. And he did, but I'm amazed and almost ashamed that it took that long. I took the chance to talk to him about responsibility, and cansequences, and the fact that I'm responsible for his actions when he's not at home, and so when he *is* at home, I need to make sure he knows right and wrong as far as his behavior goes. I need to hold *him* responsible for his actions around *me*, so he will know what he should do around other people.

I found out today that he gets sassy everywhere he goes for a day or two. This is a bad thing, but it makes me feel a bit better, because he does it to me.

Well, that covers it, I think. If not, tough, there's gonna be more tomorrow anyway.:-D

God Bless!


the latest:
A prayer for today. . . - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
A baby. . . - Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005
Update. . .a baby!!! - Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005
Easter. . . - Monday, Mar. 28, 2005
Today is the day that the Lord has made. . . - Monday, Mar. 21, 2005

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